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Idioms in the Bible Explained and a Key to the Original Gospels By George M. Lamsa
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From the Publisher
Explains nearly 1,000 crucial idioms to enrich reading Scripture for student and general reader.
From the Back Cover
Explains nearly 1,000 crucial idioms to enrich reading Scripture for student and general reader.
About the Author
George M. Lamsa brings to this work a lifetime of scholarship and translation of the Eastern manuscripts of the Bible. He was raised in Assyria; during his lifetime he translated The Holy Bible from the Aramaic of the Peshitta and authored over twenty books illuminating the original meaning of Scripture.
Idioms in the Bible Explained and a Key to the Original Gospels
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Idioms in the Bible Explained and a Key to the Original Gospels
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Idioms in the Bible Explained and a Key to the Original Gospels
By George M. Lamsa Kindle